On Saturday evening, 16 friends and myself traveled the 40 or so miles from Cardiff to Swansea for a joint celebration of birthdays. The destination was Playzone, an indoor soft-play area designed to be used by adults and kids alike.  However, if you go as an adult, you soon regress to being about 5-years-old again within minutes of arriving.  

As we were all over 18, we were allowed to bring alcoholic drinks along. Interestingly, despite bringing enough drinks to stock a hotel bar, very little was consumed.  My nickname for the evening was Duracell, as I did not stop running from the 21:30 we arrived, until I crashed at 05:00 the following morning.  My body isn't used to all that straining and unfortunately I am paying for it right now!

At 22:30, the organisers put on a buffet for us all, including the usual party food - crisps, sausage rolls, sausages and squash. Food-time was noticeable as it suddenly became very quiet!  Soon as the food was over with, the noise levels soon picked up, with indoor slide races, obstacle courses and just general messing around.

At 02:30, we were offered the chance to play laser quest.  This was where we were given laser guns and then let loose in the now darkened play area - shooting each other's weapons for points.  I managed to keep a healthy score of just over 950 points on each of the rounds (coming just short of the 5000 for the combine events).  In the team game, boys vs girls, 11 girls took on 6 boys and even on appearance the girls having a huge advantage, the boys won by a huge 200 point margin.  

The rest of the night flew by.  At 05:00, I decided that I would crash on one of the areas in the soft-play areas and soon had some shut eye.  We were awoken at 06:15 for a huge fried breakfast and it wasn't long before we were all calling for taxis to take us back to the train station for our return home.  

Due to a mix up with my sister's transport home, I managed to stumble back to my flat at 13:00 that day, meaning I had been awake for a total of 36 hours by then.  Soon enough, I was snoring (I guess I was at least) until I re-awoke at 09:00 the day after... a near 20-hour sleep. It was needed!

Well, I had best be off - I have an exam to revise for!  
So after several weeks of working my fingers to the bone on coursework, lecture notes and other life-admin tasks, I've been neglecting my nighttime social life.  It hasn't all been down to work. I've been incredibly worn out and tired due to the after effects of having a cold - that combined with a mold problem in my flat, I've not been overly up for heading out.  

However, the work flow has dipped incredibly and as the summer (and the exam) is drawing near, the only work on the horizon will be revision.  This means that the next few weeks will be filled with revision, which can be done at my own pace and not to heavy deadlines.  Hopefully a few nights out can be slotted in as well.  YAY!

Well, I'm off to Walkabout tonight - an Australian-themed club.  As it's Thursday night, it is the student night "BOUNCE", where the drinks are reduced and fun activities take place.  I personally can't wait.  Pictures may follow if I can convince someone to take some!